7 Shocking Numbers to Consider When Building Your 2015 B-to-B Marketing Budget
Everybody has their own way to build a b-to-b marketing budget. Our newest eBook lists best practices from some of the most successful marketers we can find, and from several b-to-b industry analysts. The benchmark stats are important – and perhaps even a little shocking!
The roles have changed in a digital world. The roles of marketing and salespeople have evolved, so sales interaction has shifted to the right, later stages of the sales process. With the Internet, people do more research on their own, with many saying that 60% of the buying process is OVER by the time a prospect contacts you. Salespeople used to have to provide that education. And, the cost of marketing via digital has gone down while its impact has gone up – due to marketing’s ability to nurture, quality and CREATE a sales-ready opportunity (not lead) via content marketing. So it’s far more efficient to make sure when a salesperson gets in front of someone, they should only be warm and ready.
In 1994 it used to take 7 “touches” before a prospect was ready to buy. At a conference in 2013 it was reported that’s up to 20. So INTEGRATED programs that encircle your target with regular, sustained and consistent messaging are what’s required today.
Eisenhower’s quote applies to marketing today just as it did on the battlefield during WWII: “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” So build a strong foundation for this year’s marketing program. Download our eBook, 7 Shocking Numbers to Consider When Building Your 2015 B-to-B Marketing Budget; to help with your 2015 plans.
Written by Joel Goldstein:
Goldstein Group agency president who builds “Measurably Better Marketing” programs that create WOW experiences for clients.