Better Leads
You’re not really looking for leads.
You’re looking for:
Solid sales-ready opportunities
Quote requests
People who are in the buying process now
It’s a higher bar than mere lead generation.
Many marketers talk about the lead funnel and the work needed to convert a lead to a sales-ready opportunity. We do too.
The Fallacy of the Funnel
But what we’ve come to realize – and exploit to our clients’ advantage – is what we call the fallacy of the funnel. It’s not a straight line. The Buyer’s Journey, the path taken from initial interest to customer, is in fact a jumbled, curved, tangled and at times interrupted pathway that marketers must account for in order to keep prospects connected, engaged and moving toward a close.
GGC builds advanced and segmented workflows and automation campaigns to move prospects through that Buyer’s Journey in less time, with less resources and greater results.
Building a lead machine involves crisp execution on many levels:
Support the sales team.
Support the sales team.
Make it easy for salespeople to sell more in less time with tight integration with CRM tools.
Get a Competitive Audit TodayLearn More
HubSpot Marketing Automation – Connecting Marketing to Sales
With nearly 30 different tools within the HubSpot marketing automation platform, a level of technical depth and expertise is required for gaining the maximum impact on marketing from your HubSpot investment.
As a HubSpot Platinum agency, we’re one of fewer than 10% of all HubSpot partners worldwide that have achieved this level of sophistication.
We work with a variety of marketing automation platforms including Marketo and Pardot in building better visibility into your customer’s buying behavior.
Marketing Automation software allows us to finally move beyond superficial metrics such as email open rates or “counting clicks,” or even counting quotes. Now we’re able to count results, and identify what works and what doesn’t.
Full Service Lead Generation
Inbound Marketing
Email Marketing Automation
Website Conversion Rate Optimization
List Segmentation
Lead Scoring
Funnel Optimization
Closed Loop Reporting
Data Hygiene
Persona Development
Buyers Journey Mapping
Targeted Dimensional Mail
Account Based Marketing
Paid Search and Paid Social
LinkedIn Targeting
Sales Level Agreements
Our Mission:
Inspired, Data Driven B2B Marketing Programs Built to Accelerate Sales
Building global brands on messages that matter and visuals that inspire
Message Architecture | Wow! Creative | Logo and Identities | Video | Photography and beyond...
Quality leads that quickly convert to sales-ready opportunities
Inbound Marketing | Email Marketing Automation | Funnel Optimization | Data Hygiene | Conversion Rate Optimization and beyond...
Designed and built to work as hard as marketers do
SEO | Search Marketing | User Experience | Expert Development | Integrations | Ecommerce | Analytics and beyond...
Differentiated, technical content that clients don’t have to re-write
Marketing to Engineers
Search Strategy | Engineer Level Writing | White Papers and Webinars | Public Relations | Sales Material and beyond...
ROI performance that takes the guesswork out of marketing
KPI Setting and Performance Metrics | Attribution Reporting | Closed Loop Reporting | ROI Dashboarding and beyond...
Are you ready for liftoff?
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