Goldstein Group Communications


Marketing to Your Industry – Focused Digital Marketing

Every industry has unique challenges – no one size fits all. Marketing to your industry requires a specific marketing strategy and approach to achieving results, rather than a cookie-cutter approach. With 30+ years of B2B expertise, Goldstein Group Communications knows how to find, reach and engage with even the most technical audiences.

· Engineering
· Electronics
· Food/beverage
· Healthcare/medical
· Manufacturing/processing
· Professional services
· SaaS software

Marketing to different industries
electronics industry


Test instrumentation, electronic components and connectors, power/battery systems, semiconductors

Electronics manufacturers compete in one of the most fast-paced, demanding industries, making marketing a particular challenge for reaching engineers who insist on credible, tutorial, non-promotional content. Product differentiation is critical for any messaging program, in order to create clear advantages that truly matter with an engineering-driving audience. As with most B2B sectors, online marketing is critical, since much of the discover and evaluation stages of the buyer’s journey takes place by the prospect on their own, on your website, before ever engaging with your sales team.

GGC works with clients to create the compelling, engineer-to-engineer content required to convert anonymous website visitors into sales opportunities, going beyond superficial data sheets or FAQs to tell your story with the impact, clarity and spotlight required in an electronics industry defined by thousands of new product launches every day, targeted to an audience with little time to absorb them. GGC builds its campaigns around a proven tutorial formula in which every email, video and content item must meet a high standard required in the electronics industry: “teach me something to do my job better.

We understand your pain points:

Technical requirements

Short sales cycles 

Differentiation and brand positioning


R & D discovery costs

User-friendly interfaces

Client attrition 

IoT / Industry 4.0 connectivity

Food and Beverage

Processing equipment, testing equipment, packaging

Food and Beverage B2B sales cross many different verticals, from beverage bottling and pet food processing to bakery mixing and distillery grain dewatering. For any sector, food processors require solutions that fit a specific profile – long equipment life, low maintenance costs and sanitary operation. But since every marketer is using those same messages, how can you stand out in the food processing industry? How can you get noticed, and elevate your brand and products against other products that all sound the same? And, with a sales cycle often extending to a year, what does it take to get customers to switch from a competitor to you? GGC relies on its proven “Only-Trigger-Switch” message architecture, supported by powerful digital marketing nurture campaigns, to build interest and thought leadership with high-level food manufacturing decision-makers throughout the entire sales cycle.

We understand your pain points:

Technical requirements

Long sales cycles 


Hygienic standards 

Quality control

Differentiation and brand positioning


Total cost of ownership

food industry
medical industry


Software, medical devices, imaging equipment, pharmaceutical/biotech processing, consulting

Much of healthcare and medical purchasing is done by groups that specify different requirements per their department. Marketers in the healthcare/medical space must understand how to message solutions around compliance with specific ADA, HIPAA and other requirements. We work with clients to find their unique selling points and any third-party validation, such as certifications, awards and approvals. Then we ensure the website has all the information any department needs during their discovery research. We also help with outbound marketing, such as press releases, LinkedIn connections, association marketing and tradeshows.

We understand your pain points:


Quality control


Hygienic standards 

R & D recovery costs

User adoption



Raw materials, process/discrete manufacturing, customized equipment, processing, software, IoT/Industry 4.0, measurement/control hardware/software

A challenge of the manufacturing industry is the product can often be seen as a commodity – plastic is plastic, glass is glass, brick is brick, injection molding is injection molding, etc. With offshoring continuing to place pressure on manufacturing margins, B2B marketers need to build campaigns around on a more differentiated set of company selling points than just comparing data sheet to data sheet. We elevate brands through case studies, guides, white papers, blogs and videos on easily navigable websites with highly searchable content that ensures you get found by prospects looking for your solutions before ever reaching out to a salesperson. We also use social media to gain trust and expertise among new, younger buyers with transparency and proof points. And since prospects can easily switch between competitors, we use HubSpot/marketing automation campaigns to stay in front and top of mind with past, current and future customers.

We understand your pain points:

Long sales cycles

Changing buyer demographics


Oversea competition

Crowded market

Lead times

Separate sourcing/engineering decision-maker dynamics

Change inertia

industry manufacturing
industry services

Professional Services

Accounting/finance, consulting, IT services, private equity/investment, legal

Professional services are one of the most challenging sectors for B2B marketing. There are not many true attributes that products have, such as size, weight, material, heat ratings, or speed. As a result, it can be difficult for prospects to judge value. Many professional services are “unsought,” meaning you have to market why a prospect would need the service and how it will improve their operations. Resistance to change is high, and referral-based marketing drives decision-makers among upper-level management for any professional service engagement. The goal of B2B services marketing is to build trust that you are the right choice and better than any competitor. Your company needs to showcase why your services process, execution, expertise and insights are better through thought leadership, executive profiles and persona targeting.

We understand your pain points:

Unsought service

Unproven product

Long sales cycles


Crowded market

Client retention

SaaS Software

Human resources, supply management, logistics, healthcare, eCommerce, technology support, project management, productivity

The challenge to marketing SaaS and software companies is that many are either selling the same product as several other companies or have an unknown product that hasn’t been “proven” in the eyes of the prospect. Differentiation and positioning here are key. GGC works to buil distinct and compelling message architectures based on the client’s benefits and the “experience” the customer will have. These messages include website information for their initial discovery, multiple CTAs for questions, demonstrations, quotes, installation services and post-sales support. Website engagement and user experience are critical for this sector, as demo and free trial CTAs are the clear driver for beginning the sales process.

We understand your pain points:

Building trust

Unsought service

Long sales cycles


Crowded market

Client retention

industry marketing