Goldstein Group Communications

B-to-B Marketing: 11th Idea for 2014

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B-to-B Marketing: 11th Idea for 2014

Published by Joel Goldstein, on January 21, 2014

Teach me something, but don’€™t make me read it. We’€™ve talked earlier about how time pressured our engineering customers are. They don’€™t have time any longer to read an eight-page white paper. Our trade magazines have responded as well with shorter articles ‘€“ 1200-word pieces are far more common today than the 2000-to-2500-word features we used to write. It’s all about the pictures, videos and graphics we can use to tell our stories. Here’s an example: a client created a tremendous giveaway promotion for a behind-the-scenes trip to a NASA facility. One of our media partners wrote a few blog posts, inviting readers to ‘€œclick here’€ to enter. The posts did fine, with each blog post generating 10’€“15 entries. However, one post generated 147 entries! What was the difference? The editor changed the ‘€œclick here’€ link to a ‘€œclick here’€ jpeg of a picture of the entry form! Engineers responded far more dramatically to that simple picture than to the words ‘€œclick here.’€ Strange, but true.
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