B-to-B Marketing: 3rd Way to Change Your Approach for 2014
Google makes the rules; the rule is based on relevancy. Search is still the star, and the top of Page 1 has never been more coveted. Every few months, Google tweaks its secret algorithm to make it more complicated for those of us who fight for that real estate. The last change, to minimize multiple listings on the first page from the same company (what they named domain crowding), has reduced rankings and even traffic for many companies. But we’ll all adjust. At the end of the day, Google will ALWAYS introduce new changes to drive relevancy, so only the most relevant search returns are presented. That means meta tag/alt tag tactics are dying away, in favor of content relevancy tactics such as social media, domain authority, page authority, blogging, frequency of page shares, Klout scores, retweets and any element Google can think of to favor relevancy.
Download our White Paper showing all 13 ways to change your approach to B-to-B Marketing in 2014.