Goldstein Group Communications

Better Results

Looking for Marketing ROI? You’ll Find It Here.

We know what works. We’ve done it before. And we can show you.

It’s mission critical for every marketer: how do I show marketing is driving revenue? What’s working, what’s not? What can I do better than my competitor? And how do I use marketing to accelerate growth – actual sales, not just clicks and leads?

Goldstein Group Communications has been building powerful B2B marketing campaigns for 30+ years. While everything’s changed from 1992, one common imperative from every client CEO remains: tell me what leads you generated that converted to customers, and how much revenue that brought me.

It’s a simple directive that’s anything but simple to create. Yet, through unique combinations of creative blended with data, strategy blended with crisp execution, we demonstrate our proven performance every day with innovative, Technology-Forward digital marketing campaigns.   

We’re not afraid of data to measure our performance.

Your Top Three

There are three essential metrics that define whether your digital lead generation program is working.

2% of all website sessions convert to a lead

One out of 10% of all leads should convert to a quote/opportunity

$X:1 ROI For every dollar you spend on marketing, you should realize at least $5 back in revenue 


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B2B Marketing Based on Analytics, Not Anecdotes 

At GGC,  there’s no guessing: we use marketing and CRM technology to connect leads to sales, demonstrating to every C-level executive just where Marketing ROI can be found. 


$100+ million manufacturer of electronic equipment that shows for every dollar invested in marketing $9 in sales are produced.  

Contract manufacturer generated $26 million in opportunities from digital marketing in just one year and closed $22 in sales for every $1 invested. 

Improved the website performance of a process industry manufacturer by boosting lead flow 51% in just four months, while cutting cost/lead by 50%. 

Created a $20,000 sales campaign that generated $78,000 in immediate sales and another $900,000 in quoted opportunities. 

Appointment setting programs that generated $1 million in first year sales  

Decreased cost/quote by 42% while generating 11% more quotes

Showing Marketing ROI for B2B Businesses

ROI Dashboarding

Closed Loop Reporting

Funnel Optimization

Google Analytics4 Optimization

KPI Setting and Benchmarking

Conversion Rate Optimization

Google Search Console

Performance Metrics Reporting

Attribution Reporting

Our Mission:

Inspired, Data Driven B2B Marketing Programs Built to Accelerate Sales

Better Branding

Building global brands on messages that matter and visuals that inspire

Message Architecture | Wow! Creative | Logo and Identities | Video | Photography and beyond...

See How We Do It

Better Leads

Quality leads that quickly convert to sales-ready opportunities

Inbound Marketing | Email Marketing Automation | Funnel Optimization | Data Hygiene | Conversion Rate Optimization and beyond...

See How We Do It

Better Websites

Designed and built to work as hard as marketers do

SEO | Search Marketing | User Experience | Expert Development | Integrations | Ecommerce | Analytics and beyond...

See How We Do It

Better Content

Differentiated, technical content that clients don’t have to re-write
Marketing to Engineers

Search Strategy | Engineer Level Writing | White Papers and Webinars | Public Relations | Sales Material and beyond...

See How We Do It

Better Results

ROI performance that takes the guesswork out of marketing
HubSpot and Salesforce Integrations

KPI Setting and Performance Metrics | Attribution Reporting | Closed Loop Reporting | ROI Dashboarding and beyond...

See How We Do It

Are you ready for liftoff?

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