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Social Media Success: Sometimes Lightning Strikes Twice and for GOOD reasons

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Social Media Success: Sometimes Lightning Strikes Twice and for GOOD reasons

Published by Loren Meck, on March 26, 2014

Congratulations to our client Littelfuse for being a finalist in the PR NEWS Social Media IconLittelfuse S2D 250x272
.’  For the second year in a row, the Littelfuse Speed2Design campaign ( has distinguished itself from the masses of B2B social engagements.

Littelfuse has found a unique way to make circuit protection (CP) both exciting and engaging to the audience that matters most to them ‘€“ electronics engineers, and to do so on social media!

In 2012, Goldstein Group assisted Littelfuse in launching the Speed2Design campaign, which took winning engineers behind the scenes at IndyCar races to rub shoulders with the racing engineers and drivers.’  It was a way to capture the market’s attention, create some GREAT content to blog/tweet about, and drive the brand forward in a pretty innovative and exciting way. From concept to completion, the campaign experience was like successfully catching lightning in a bottle. Speed2Design won a Platinum MARCOM Award and PR NEWS Social Media Icon Award honorable mention.

Rather than rest on their success, the collective Littelfuse/Goldstein team wanted to do Speed2Design 2013 even bigger, better and more exciting. But how do you top going behind the scenes at IndyCar?’  What’s cooler to engineers than high performance racing?’  Space!

The Speed2Design 2013 campaign centered on two events hosted at NASA centers in Houston and San Francisco. And, just as with the year before, the Speed2Design / NASA 2013 campaign’s social media results were out of this world!

  • Twitter Followers: 1,011% growth from 1,026 to 11,400+
  • Conversion to Contest Entrants: 34% of 1,184 visits entered to win (402)*
  • @Speed2Design has 2,100+ interactions (favorites, retweets, and @responses)
  • Lists Followers added Speed2Design to 115 Lists

25 Website Must Haves

* Twitter visitors converted to contest entrants at a significantly higher rate (34% compared to overall conversion rate of 23.8%)

If there are two people that exemplify catching lightning in a bottle, it’s Rhonda Stratton, Global Marketing Communications Manager at Littelfuse and Regina Kenney, Senior Online Marketing Specialist and the brains behind their social media’s secret sauce.’  We’€™re proud to be associated with this incredible campaign. It really has been like lightning striking twice, but in a very good way.

Loren Meck



Written by Loren S. Meck:
Goldstein Group Account Manager, B2B inbound marketing automation maverick and friend to the ‘€˜content strategy challenged’€™.

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