Goldstein Group Communications

B2B Manufacturing Marketing: Process Equipment Expertise

For decades, GGC has helped process equipment manufacturers grow. That’s because we understand how to market to the engineers, operators and maintenance managers who buy process equipment. They have long sales cycles and complex buying processes with many influencers and sales channels that extend from direct to reps to distribution.

Sound familiar? It is to us as well! Because we specialize in helping process OEMs meet their manufacturing B2B marketing challenges.

Process Equipment Marketing

We Understand:

  • How to generate leads and nurture them into true sales opportunities.
  • How to differentiate process equipment so your solutions don’t sound the same as all of your competitors’.
  • What kinds of content technical buyers love, and how it’s changing for younger buyers.
  • Your customers’ pain points such as labor shortages, unplanned downtime, productivity, tight maintenance budgets and regulations.
  • Which marketing tactics are most effective for your processor audience.

We’re Different

Beyond our experience, process equipment manufacturers have come to rely on GGC as an agency unlike other B2B marketing agencies.

  • We produce engineer-to-engineer level writing that they don’t have to rewrite.
  • Because of our analytics ROI focus, we’re able to show a a direct line from lead to quote to sale.
  • Staffed with experienced “hyper-specialists” in digital marketing, with seasoned team members who bring deep knowledge in AI for marketing, search, website conversion, marketing automation, design and technical content.

Looking for examples? Perhaps some measurable results? Read through our testimonials – it’s the most powerful way to see how we’re a fit for your process equipment marketing programs.

Industrial mixers

Process observation equipment

How B2B Manufacturing Marketing is Different and Why Your Organization Needs a Specialty B2B Marketing Agency

We’re not marketing flower shops. And you’re not selling flowers. We don’t need to tell you that marketing for manufacturers is different than what consumer or retail marketing agencies provide. And you don’t need to tell us, either!

In fact, there’s a wide variety of differences between the services we provide to process manufacturers and what you may find from other agencies without our special experience in your vertical:

Content for Processing Buyers

We know how to position products for processing company buyers. Total Cost of Ownership, productivity, maintenance, training costs, labor shortages, automation and IoT solutions… these pain points are a natural part of our vocabulary. And, we tweak the message to address influencer pain points that differ between the business buyer and technical buyer. We understand the persona differences driving purchasing, engineering, A&E firm decision-makers.

If your products are for sanitary/hygienic applications, we are already familiar with crevice-free design, 3A/EHEDG standards and Ra surface finish.

Learn the type of content you need on your website to be successful and why manufacturing B2B marketing is different from other B2B industries.

SEO That Attracts Real Buyers

Are your competitors ranking higher than you in search results? Are you “stealing” visitors from competitors by uncovering their target keywords and putting programs in place to appear in search before them? Do you know what search terms people are using to get to your website right now? The right SEO strategy designed for technical B2B manufacturing marketing that answers these questions will attract prospects that are interested in your products and searching for solutions.

Paid Search Pay-per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Have you found out the hard way — it’s easy to spend a LOT of money on paid search with very little to show for it? While some think PPC programs are a tool for raising visibility, you can expect so much more from it than mere impressions and brand presence. By building the right text, offers and keyword strategies, a paid-search program for processors can in fact drive qualified buyers to your website – and they can even make the phone ring! Are your PPC keywords and ads directed at educating prospects or are they bottom-of-the-funnel, leading to quote requests? Is your PPC working in tandem with your organic SEO strategy? There is a difference, and the right PPC approach will produce the right leads at the right cost/lead.

Processing Industry Trade Magazines

We have long-standing relationships with key manufacturing publications, ranging from Processing to Food Manufacturing to Chemical Processing and all the vertical trade media editors in between. In fact, editors call US when they’re looking for a thought-leadership article from a quality manufacturer. We know how to build both PR and advertising programs that produce leads, and we know what kinds of offers work best for technical and business buyers.

Websites that Support Equipment Selling

Does your website drive visitors down the funnel? Engineers will consume 5-7 pieces of content before reaching out to talk to a sales representative, so have you built your website around this requirement? They want deep technical, tutorial content, something that “teaches them how to do their jobs BETTER.” Buyers guides, data sheets, videos, ebooks and ROI calculators, AI “answerbots,” chat tools – all these interactive engagement devices help them select the products they need, and make your website stand above your competitors’. And if your prospects work on the plant floor, they want your site to be mobile friendly. Here’s an example of good website design and UX for process equipment manufacturing lead generation that kept prospects on the website longer and converted more anonymous visitors into leads.

Design That Demonstrates Your Value

When is the last time you updated your company branding? Do you look technical and innovative? Or lost in decades past? Everything from your data sheets and white papers to videos and social media communicates whether your business is proactive, progressive and innovative – or that your best days are behind you.. See how we helped one manufacturer of processing equipment update their branding in ways that made them look as contemporary and forward-thinking as their own customers.

Marketing Strategy and Planning for Manufacturing Companies

What are your KPIs for your marketing programs? Often, we encounter manufacturers without a strong B2B manufacturing marketing strategy. If a product isn’t selling, we ask probing questions to uncover the barriers and recommend specific tactics. In some cases, we tell clients that they need a sales strategy instead, and we can help with that, too. After we launch our programs, we measure the results. We call it “measurably better” marketing.
